
당근 1/6, 홍고추 1개, 대파 1대, 양파 1/4, 깻잎 3장, 어묵 약간, 차돌박이 100g, 군만두 4개, 물 5컵, 떡 1컵, 삶은 달걀 1개, 라면사리 1개, 고춧가루 2큰술, 설탕 2큰술, 맛술 1큰술, 간장 1큰술, 다진마늘 1큰술, 치킨스톡 또는 조미료 반큰술, 물엿 1큰술, 고추장 2큰술



1/6 Carrot, 1 Chili Pepper, 1 Spring Onion, 1/4 Onion, 3 Perilla leaf, a few Fish Cake, 100g Beef Brisket, 4 Fried Dumpling, 5 Cup of Water, 1 Cup of Rice Cake, 1 Boiled Egg, Instant  Noodle, 2tbsp Red Pepper Powder, 2tbsp Sugar, 1tbsp Cooking Wine, 1tbsp Soy Sauce, 1tbsp Minced Garlic, 1/2tbsp Chicken Stock, 1tbsp Corn Syrup, 2tbsp Red Pepper Paste